Hard Luck Trophy

Some photos from a previous outing when Lodge Calala/Tamworth 652 and Lodge St Andrews 281 from Manilla competed in a night of friendly rivalry for the Hard Luck Trophy.

We won’t mention who was awarded the trophy on this occasion.


The recently formed Masonic Clay Target Association will be conducting their first event on 23rd September 2017 at the Tamworth Clay Target Club range.

This association was formed after several successful corporate style events held in the Tamworth region and a few like-minded brethren decided to take it further. Membership is available to masons and non-masons alike and it is envisaged that three to four events will be held in various locations throughout the year. All meetings will be fully supervised “corporate style” events, meaning that participants need not have a firearms licence or a firearm, provided they complete a P650 form on the day. Membership will be $20/year for members (masons) and $20/year for associate members (non-masons), including anyone over the age of twelve.

Before the meeting of the association, Lodge Calala Tamworth will be holding a 9.00am meeting at the Tamworth Masonic Centre to raise brother Lyle Cryer to the Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. The Grand Master has agreed to attend this ceremony and participate in some way.

At 2:00pm after a barbeque lunch, the patron, Most Worshipful Brother Jamie Melville will fire the first shot and the twenty-five target “competition” will begin. Although not a formal competition, scores will be kept and no doubt reputations will be on the line!

It is rumoured that any brother achieving a higher score than The Grand Master will be guilty of a serious masonic offense and will be dealt with accordingly. However, it should be noted that whilst a score of this nature is an offence, sledging is not!

There will be a special prize for the lady with the highest score, especially if she beats her husband/partner.

Those wishing to attend will need to reply by 9th September for catering and supervisory purposes. The cost will be $35.00 for those who wish to try their hand at clay targets and an additional $20.00 for the meal. We can cater for any combination of participation.

All inquiries and replies to R.W.Bro. Tony Sims at masonicclays@gmail.com