The Inaugural shoot of the Masonic Clay Target Association was held on Saturday 23rd of September 2017.
After a most enjoyable South at the Tamworth Clay Target Club range, The Grand Master fired the first shot and despite rumours of back-up marksmen on the grassy knoll, brought down the first target and the Masonic Clay Target Association was away! The brethren, having been forewarned that achieving a higher score than The Grand Master was possibly a masonic offence, were very circumspect in their aim, but on realising that sledging was allowable (perhaps even encouraged) this loophole was used to full advantage.
Some 50 brethren, Ladies and visitors participated in a very enjoyable afternoon and then scores were tallied. The youngest shooter, 14 year old Archie Douglas of Sydney, achieved a very good score, in a hard fought battle with his father James. Somehow the score-sheets were not entirely clear, but W.Bro. Laurie Littlefield of Lodge Wyong Tuggerah Lakes was declared the men’s champion and Chrissy Quinn was declared the women’s champion, but most seem to remember that some bloke named Melville was the overall winner!
The special prize for the lady who beat her husband was declared to be confidential by The Chairman of The Board of Management. Congratulations Sue!
Although a little slow to start, The Grand Master’s wife Yuana, who had never shot before, finished the day with a very creditable score and on being given the choice between golf clubs and a shotgun for Christmas, declared that the latter was her preference! Yuana was rewarded for her persistence and willingness to take pointers from the members of Loomberah Gun Club who supervised all activities on the day and helped make the event a success.
The Association then thanked the members of the Tamworth Clay Target Club for volunteering their time and facilities and offered a special thanks to Craig Mearns of Calibre Country for allowing The Grand Master to use his VERY expensive shotgun.
Preparations for the next event are underway. (Thanks to Tony Sims for this Article)
P.S. There was also a continuing competition between Lodge Calala/Tamworth and Lodge St Andrews for the Hard Luck Trophy. On this occasion the trophy was destined to remain with Lodge St Andrews who were without the help of Lindsay Cederblad.